Lifeschools for children are emerging
finding instead of school marks, awareness
instead of conditioning
Leonardo walks new paths with kids and
Join now! Lifeschools are needed in
every town!
Everyone brings a gift from the beyond
in this life. Each child has an
individual purpose and an in inner
vision. To recognize and realize this
vision, that’s what we are her for.
regular school we learn reading, maths
and writing, discover how long the Nile
is, the population of New York and how
much coal is extracted in South East
Australia. But what we don’t learn
there is, how one really lives. How to
be true to oneself, how to realise
dreams and visions. How to keep one’s
body healthy, how to find one’s
calling or partner – and how to become
happy with that partner. How to solve
problems, overcome crisis, fulfil wishes
and how to reach one’s goals
comfortably. And because nobody is
taught this, many end up in the wrong
place, wrong job, wrong relationship
and/or in resignation. We don’t know
anything about our thoughts and feelings
and seldom gives a regular school
opportunity to find out why our life is
as it is and how one can create it
Schools should support
children to become managers of their own
life and future,however, everything
that really matters in life is not
taught in school (in average children
spend ten thousand! - 10.000 -
hours there!)
Thatswhy lifeschool is so
important, because only after we have learned
all this we realize, what life really means.
This is the reason why it is time for life schools, which serve the
children, because life is simply too precious,
to leave it to coincidence. Advisable would be
a licence to live.
You need a licence for every stupid moped, but for something as complex
and important as an own life, nothing of the
same value exists. Now it does – in
Lifeschool. The main subject is Life itself
and the most important foreign language is not
German or English but the language of life’s
circumstances. So everyone can easily learn to
read in the mirror of life and can so realize
what the true causes for one’s situation are.
This foundation should be led in childhood,
then first of all should we learn the
universal laws of life and start to live
In reality life is a playful game and we are invited to join. We decide
if we participate as play figure or as
conscious player in this game. Wouldn’t it
be great, if all kids could learn, at an early
age, what the point of life really is
Create your own lifeschool in your town or area. Lifeteachers are wanted
And do not forget yourself! Every family is a mini-life
school. Every mother and every father are, at
the same time, life teachers.
Marco Leonardo has developed
the very promising concept of “Life School
for Children,” which should help to clear up
this deficit. Whether we live our life as a
“life sentence” or enjoy it with a song in
our hearts, is entirely our decision.
Wouldn’t it be great, if all kids could
learn, at an early age, what the point of life
really is? This is Marco’s vision!
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